16 July 2015
Conheça as calorias e tudo mais sobre a banana

Count the calories and learn more about bananas

The best known varieties of banana are the Plantain, Sugar, Lady’s fingers, Dwarf Cavendish and Silk. Nutritionist Paola Moreira gives information about bananas: their characteristics, vitamins, benefits and properties, including the calories and fiber for each variety (per 100 g serving).

Plantain – 128 calories and 1.5 g of fiber

Sugar – 112 calories and 2 g of fiber

Lady’s finger – 98 calories and 2 g of fiber

Dwarf Cavendish – 92 calories and 1.9 g of fiber

Silk – 87 calories and 2.6 g of fiber

Source: http://www.bolsademulher.com/corpo/qual-banana-e-mais-calorica-qual-melhor-para-emagrecer-descubra