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Bananas are a tropical fruit that come from South East Asia; they have a soft, tasty, sweet flesh. There are many banana varieties, the most common in Brazil are the Dwarf Cavendish, Lady Finger, Plantain and Silk. As it has no seeds, the modern banana is propagated asexually and they grow in bunches on banana trees. At first the fruit is green and when it ripens most varieties develop yellow skins, although a few have red skins. Each banana tree can yield up from 5 to 15 bunches at the same time. A large ripe banana is rich in fiber, potassium and vitamins A and C. About 70% of the fruit is made up of water. Hundreds of countries use bananas in their cuisine; they can be eaten raw, fried, cooked and roasted. The most popular banana in Brazil is the dwarf Cavendish, which is used in cakes, sweets and other traditional dishes.

Source: http://www.suapesquisa.com/frutas/banana.htm





• Board Carton: 50 x 40 x 24 cm
• Perforated paper dividers lined with plastic film to reduce mechanical damage and attrition of the fruit inside the carton.
• UTC label – 1 per cluster.


• Standard pallet 1.00 x 1.20 m
• 48 cartons / pallet
• Angleboard cardboard corner.


Fruit size:
• Minimum length 7.5” (19.05 cm)
• Minimum diameter 3.01 cm and maximum 3.81 cm
• Minimum net weight of carton 18.00 kg (gross 19.3 kg).


• Class I: The fruit must be of good quality, only slight defects on the skin may be allowed. The fruit must be uniform in size, diameter and color.



• Board Carton 50 x 40 x 24 cm
• Perforated paper dividers lined with plastic film to reduce mechanical damage and attrition of the fruit inside the carton.
• ROSY label – 1 per cluster.


• Standard pallet 1.00 x 1.20 m
• 48 cartons / pallet
• Angleboard cardboard corner.


Fruit size:
• Minimum length 7” (17.78 cm)
• Minimum diameter 2.94 cm and maximum 3.81 cm
• Minimum net weight of carton 18.00 kg (gross 19.3 kg).


• Class II: The fruit must be of good quality, only slight defects on the skin may be allowed. The fruit has a smaller size.


Del Monte